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About the Site

Welcome to my web site on computers. I'm working to add more content as time allows.

Content on the website will be related mainly to Linux and data / databases (I'm currently employed as a Database Administrator (DBA) for Northwest Evaluation Association), although you will find occasional articles related to Microsoft Windows Operating Systems.

The purpose of this web site is two-fold:

  1. The first is a place that can serve as a reference for some of the things I've done...basically I want to document my network configuration and applications for myself. This is to help me as I troubleshoot additional problems or configuration changes (either because I've done something and things aren't working quite right or an application upgrade or patch has changed something). This also can serve as a "model" when I'm working on other people's systems and troubleshoot their problems.
  2. The second is as a general education or troubleshooting aid for other people. Feel free to look around and hopefully it will be educational or helpful in attempting to solve your own problems.

IF I can, I'll provide help as well. Please contact me through the website.

For fun, I enjoy working on my computers, reading a good book, watching a good movie or listening to music. My musical taste runs more towards Country and Western, although I do listen to some Rock & Roll or Folk on occasion.

About Me

Timothy J. Bruce

I am a Database Administrator for NorthWest Evaluation Association (NWEA). I work mostly with the PostgreSQL database engine although I'm also supporting both MongoDB and MySQL. I also do a limited amount of systems administration with Linux - specifically Ubuntu on my desktop and Red Hat on our servers.

While I mainly use PostgreSQL at work, my background includes Sybase, SQL Server, PostgreSQL and MySQL and I use PostgreSQL at home.

In my spare time, I'm a member of the Washington County Composite Squadron (PCR-OR-034) of the Civil Air Patrol. In addition to managing the Unit website, I'm also the Assistant Professional Development Officer. This position assists members of our unit advance their skill and advance in rank in the CAP Program.

When I'm not working, I continue to develop my technical skills on a network of computers at home, which includes a few websites I manage for several friends. I also closely follow the technology news sites, as well well as many financial news sites (and a few general news sites, considering I'm a little bit of a news junkie).

For fun, i.e., when I'm not working on one of my computer systems, I enjoy curling up with a good book or the occasional movie.

I live outside Portland, Oregon.