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Convert VMWare to KVM

I used to run vmware (specifically VMWare Workstation), but I had to move away from it for a variety of reasons. It was fairly stable (I did run into a few issues, but always found a way around them after some work), so that wasn't the reason. (For those who care, every time I received a new kernel under Linux, I would have to recompile some modules and load them into VMWare and I just got tired of the hassle of doing that).

So I wanted to move almost a dozen vmware machines to another Virtualization stack. I looked at both VKM and Virtual Box and settled on KVM. I found some basic instructions on the KVM website here ( but they are so cryptic, I had trouble following them!

So this is an attempt to remedy that problem.

Assuming your VMware Windows machines are on a Linux host, the following worked for me (change VM name as appropriate).

And note you'll need lots of disk space, either on the server or network or external drive during the conversion processes. So make sure it is available before you begin the process!

1.Make a backup of all the VMware Virtual Machine files in case you need to go back to VMWare.

2.Remove VMware Tools

3.Disable the screen saver (on the computer you'll do the conversion).

4.If the Guest (Virtual Machine) is Windows, you can download mergeide.reg from:

NOTE: The file is no longer available. Looking on the Microsoft Website at () I was able to figure out how to build my own. Here are the contents:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
































;Add driver for Atapi (requires Atapi.sys in Drivers directory)

"Group"="SCSI miniport"
"DisplayName"="Standard IDE/ESDI Hard Disk Controller"

;Add driver for intelide (requires intelide.sys in drivers directory)

"Group"="System Bus Extender"

;Add driver for Pciide (requires Pciide.sys and Pciidex.sys in Drivers directory)

"Group"="System Bus Extender"

5.Install mergeide.reg (again, only for Microsoft Windows)

6.Convert the original VMDK file to a growable VMDK file using the following as a template: (note: it is dash t space zero):

sudo vmware-vdiskmanager -r win2003.vmdk -t 0 win2003-grow.vmdk

7.Convert the growable VMDK image in to a QEMU file using the following as a template:

sudo qemu-img convert -f vmdk win2003-grow.vmdk -O qcow2 win2003.img

8.Follow the standard procedures to import QEMU image into Virtual Machine Manager or run from command line.

Microsoft Reference:

Some other useful links:

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