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A required reading list for Geeks

Excuse the formatting. Copying it over from OpenOffice it threw off my tab marks and things. I've included references for all my sources at the bottom (end).

Many people have written a recommended reading list for “geeks.” I'm not sure I can claim to be all knowing, but at my first brush with this, I figured I'd take some books from various lists and add them with my own (there was already a lot of overlap) to produce my own list. While I've read many of them, I still have quite a way to go.

These are some "random" books I need to track down (I haven't yet found the author...just haven't devoted the time to it).

A Canticle for Leibowitz

Code Complete


Curse of the Challion



Fallen Angels (

Gene Wolfe

Individuals and their Rights


IWoz: Computer Geek to Cult Icon


Sophie's World

Tau Zero

The City & The City China

The cluetrain Manifesto

The Mythical Man-Month:Essays on Software Engineering

The Phantom Tollbooth

Time Enough for Love

To Fly With Pegasus

Tunnel In The Sky

V for Vendetta


Where the Wild Things Are

Wicked: the Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West

This is a collection of books (where a specific title or series was listed) sorted by the Author.

Author Book(s)
Abbott, Edwin Abbott Flatland
Adams, Douglas Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy (Series)
Adams, Scott The Dilbert Principle
Aldrin, Buzz Encounter With Tiber
Alexander, Christpoher A Pattern Langauge
Anthony, Piers Apprentice Adept Series
Anthony, Piers Xanth (Series)
Anthony, Piers Incarnations of Immortality (Series)
Aristotle On Politics
Asimov, Isaac I, Robot
Asimov, Issac Bicentennial Man
Assimov, Issac Foundation (Trilogy?)
Aurelius, Marcus Mediatations
Berry, Max Jennifer Government
Beshers, Alex Rim (Series – Rim, Mir, Chi)
Blish, James A Case of Conscious
Bradbury, Ray Fahrenheit 451
Bradbury, Ray The Illustrated Man
Bradbury, Ray Martian Chronicles
Brin, David Uplift (Series)
Brin, David Startide Rising
Brin, David Sundiver
Brooks, Terry The Sword of Shannara
Brooks,Max World War Z:An Oral History of the Zombie War
Brown, Craig & Ikbal, Javed The Laidoff Ninja
Burroughs, Edgar Rice John Carter of Mars (Series)
Burroughs, Edgar Rice Tarzan of the Apes (Series)
Calvino, Italo Cosmicomics
Calvino, Italo If On A Winter's Night A Traveller
Campbell, Bruce If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a B Movie Actor
Card, Orson Scott Enders Game
Card, Orson Scott Ender (Series)
Carey, Jacqueline Kushiel
Carr, Nicholas G. Does It Matter?
Castaneda, Carolos Unknown
Chaucer Canterbury Tales
Cherryh, C.J. Heavy Time
Cherryh, C.J. Foreigner
Clark, Arthur C 2001 A Space Odyssey
Clarke, Arthur C. Profiles of the Future: An Inquiry into the limits of the Possible
Clarke, Arthur C. Rendezvous With Rama
Colfer, Eoin Artemis Fowl (Series)
Colfer, Eoin And Another Thing
Cook, Rick The Wiz Series
Coupland, Douglas Unknown
Crichton, Michael Airframe
Crichton, Michael Jurassic Park
Crichton, Michael Prey
Crispin, A. C. The Han Solo Trilogy
Crowley, John Little, Big
Dan Ariely Predicably Irrational
De Montaigne, Michel Essays
Delaney, Samuel R Dhalgren
Dick, Philip K Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
Dick, Philip K. Bladerunner
Dickinson, Gordon R Alien Art
Donaldson, Stephen R The Gap
Drake, David Royal Cinnabar Navy (Series)
Drake, David Reaches (Series)
Drake, David Lieutenant Leary
Eco, Umberto Foucault's Pendulum
Eddings, David Belgariad (Series)
Effinger, George Alec When Gravity Falls
Epictetus Discourses
Erikson, Steven Unknown
Feist, Raymond E. The Serpentwar Saga (Series)
Flint, Eric 1632
Forstchen, William R The Lost Regiment
Gabaldon, Diana Voyager (Series)
Gaiman, Neil American Gods
Gates,Bill The Road Ahead
Gently, Dirk Holistic Detecive Agency (Series)
Gerrold/Niven The Flying Sorcers
Gibson, William Difference Engine
Gibson, William Neuromancer
Haldeman, Joe The Forever War
Hamilton, Peter Night's Dawn Trilogy
Hawking, Stephen A brief History of Time
Heinlein, Robert A The Number of the Beast
Heinlein, Robert A The Cat Who Walks Through Walls
Heinlein, Robert A Have Spacesuit WilL Travel
Heinlein, Robert A Farnham's Freehold
Heinlein, Robert A Job: A Comedy of Justice
Heinlein, Robert A Friday
Heinlein, Robert A Past Through The Future
Heinlein, Robert A Stranger in a Strange Land
Heinlein, Robert A Starship Troopers
Herbert, Frank Dune (Series)
Herbert, Frank Destination Void
Herbert, Frank The Dosadi Experiment
Hoban, Russell Riddley Walker
Hodgson, William Hope The Night Land
Hofstadter, Douglas R Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid
Homer Odysey
Homer Illiad
Hoyle, Fred A for Andromeda
Huxley, Aldous Brave New World
Iles, Greg Various
Jacques, Brian Redwell (Series)
Johnson, Steven Everything Bad is Good for You
Jones, Tery Larry Cottington
Kidder, Tracy The Soul of a New Machine
King, Stephen Dark Tower Series
King, Stephen The Stand
L'Engle, Madeline Wrinkle in Time (Series)
Laumer, Keith Various
Leguin, Ursula K Wizard of Earthsea
Lem, Stanislaw Various
Levy, Steven Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution
Lewis, C.S. The Chronicles of Narnia (Series)
Locke, John Long, Lazurus(?)
Lopate, Philip The Art of the Personal Essay
Lovecraft, H.P. The Shadow over Innsmouth
Lovecraft, H.P. The Call of Cthulhu
Lovecraft, HP Shadows over Innsmouth
McCaffrey, Anne Pern (Series)
Nash, Nicole Bremer The Geek Atlas
Niven & Pournelle Lucifer's Hammer
Niven & Pournelle Fallen Angels
Niven & Pournelle Footfall
Niven, Larry Ringworld
Niven, Larry Known Space
Niven, Larry & Pournelle The Mote in God's Eye
Norton, Andre Various
Orwell, George 1984
Peter, Laurence J & Hull The Peter Principle: Why Things Go Wrong
Pineiro, R. J. Havoc
Piper, H. Beam Little Fuzzy (Series)
Pirsig, Robert M Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Pirsig,Robert M Lila
Pratchett, Terry Tiffany Aching (Series)
Pratchtt, Terry Good Omens
Pullman, Philip His Dark materials
Rand, Ayn The Fountainhead
Rand, Ayn Atlas Shrugged
Reynolds, Alastair Revelation Space
Rhodes, Richard The Making of the Atomic Bomb
Ringo, John Looking Glass (Series)
Ringo, John Al'Denata (Series)
Robinson, Kim Stanley Various
Rowlings, J K Harry Potter
Russell, Eric Frank Wasp
Saberhagen, Brett Berserkers (Series)
Sagan, Carl Dragons of Eden
Sagan, Carl Contact
Scalzi, John Old Man's War
Scalzi, John Ghost Brigades
Seneca Letters from a Stoic
Shakespere, William Various
Shelley, Mary Frankenstein
Sheppard, Mike Kris Longknife (Series)
Simmons, Dan Hyperion
Sitchin, Zecharia The Twelf Planet
Smith, E. E. Spacehounds of the IPC
Smith, E. E. Lensman (Series)
Spillane, Mickey Various
Steele, Allen Various
Stephenson, Neal Anathem
Stephenson, Neal Snow crash
Stirling, S.M. Emberverse
Stirling, S.M. Nantucket
Stoll, Clif The Cuckoo's Egg
Stross, Chrales Cthulu Mythos (Series)
Suarez, Daniel (High Tech Thrillers)
Tapscott, Don Wikinomics:How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything
Toffler, Alvin The Next Wave
Toffler, Alvin Future Schock
Tolkien, JRR The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Tolkien, JRR The Hobbit
Turtledove, Harry Guns of the South
Varley, John The Ophiuchi Hotline
Verne, Jules 20000 Leagues Under the Sea
Vidal, Gore Messiah
Vise, David A. The Google Story
Vonnegut, Kurt Player Piano
Vonnegut,Kurt Slaughterhouse-Five
Weber, David Safehold (Series)
Weber, David Honor Harrington (Series)
Wells, H.G. War of the Worlds
Wells, HG The Time Machine
Williams, Tad Otherland (Series)
Wilson, Robert Anton, et al Illuminatus Trilogy
Wyndham, John The Day of the Triffids
Zachary, G. Pascal Show-Stopper!
Zelasny, Roger Amber (Series)
Zelasny, Roger Jack of Shadows (Series)

Some references, for those who are interested, include:

Additional resources

Geeks and IT pros are not always one in the same: 10 books every IT pro should read (

Jay Garmon likely doesn’t agree with me either: The perfect sci-fi library (